Costumer Loyality Event „Nicht nur Kunde, sondern Fan“

Costumer Loyality Event „Nicht nur Kunde, sondern Fan“

For the members of the local chamber of commerce in Görlitz an education takes places once a year. In 2018 the organizers were asked to invite specialists in events management. The owners and managers from restaurants, hotels and event locations in the region and city of Görlitz were interested to know more about events and their influence on costumer loyality. Hartmut as one of the speakers could talk about the influence of events on our daily life and on the catering and hotel business.

About Know-How

Yes, we have 25 years of experience and yes, we are professional and customer oriented. But what makes us special? It is the great bunch of people who complement each other and simply love what they do!

Keep in Touch

 +49 35025 57990

 +49 35025 579921

 Friedrichswalde 37, 01819 Bahretal


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