EVG Employee Event

EVG Employee Event

PAX: 280

For the first time after the end of the COVID19 pandemic, the employees of the Railroad and Transport Union EVG met in Dresden. In line with their motto "We live community", the 250 participants discussed how they want to communicate and work with each other in the future, what opportunities and possibilities the organization can offer and actively prepared for the upcoming period of collective bargaining.

We took care of the preparation and coordination of the meetings and group work on site at the "Hilton Dresden". Our moderator Chris Klatt accompanied the participants through the event days and with the music professionals from "Drum Olé“ everyone drummed themselves into a common beat. The evening event took place in the location "Güterboden Radebeul" and Torsten Pahl provided additional aha-moments with his "gentleMAGIC" show. We wish the highly motivated and enthusiastic participants success for the upcoming work.

About Know-How

Yes, we have 25 years of experience and yes, we are professional and customer oriented. But what makes us special? It is the great bunch of people who complement each other and simply love what they do!

Keep in Touch


 +49 35025 57990

 +49 35025 579921

 Friedrichswalde 37, 01819 Bahretal


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